June 27: Digest Review

The main news is expected in the afternoon from the USA.

Economic News
27 Jun 2019

Today the market is experiencing an increase in demand for risky assets. At the same time, volatility is not high because investors have focused their attention on the upcoming G20 summit, which will be held on Saturday. Meanwhile, the USD is strengthening; the value of commodity currencies is not changing, given the uncertainty in the future relations between China and the United States. It is expected that the situation will be cleared with the results of the summit and the meeting of Donald Trump and XI Jinping.

The cost of oil is kept in the range of 57-58 dollars. Reports on weekly oil reserves should have contributed to the rise in oil prices, but this did not happen amid fears of investors due to negative forecasts of a decline in oil demand in the event of a continued trade conflict between China and the United States.

Today it became known that there is a decrease in the index of confidence in the business community of New Zealand to -38.1 points, which is the lowest in the last 8 months. It also became known there is a slowdown in inflation growth in Spain.

Macroeconomic reports from the US are expected to be the key news of the day. In the afternoon, we will receive data on the US GDP, as well as the publication of the index of unfinished sales in the real estate market.

Stanislav Litinskyi

Economic News

Trade Truce Hopes

The US and China might be able to resolve their differences.

Anna Sneider
27 Jun 2019

Economic News

USD Strengthens after Fed Statements

The Federal Reserve is not as dovish as investors expected.

Anna Sneider
26 Jun 2019

Economic News

June 25: Digest Review

The USD continues decreasing today. The FED rate change affects the rates.

Stanislav Litinskyi
25 Jun 2019