Brexit Uncertainty Continues

The British government is struggling to find a solution.

Economic News
23 sty 2019

Brexit continues to be one of the most hotly disputed issues currently, as there are less than two month left until the scheduled exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union. This week Prime Minister Theresa May was supposed to unveil a new deal to accomplish that, but there is still a staggering lack of details regarding the issue.

A central point of contention remains the Irish backstop. This clause proved quite problematic in May’s original deal, as it made MPs fearful that a physical border might be reinstituted between Ireland and Northern Ireland, as the former is an EU member and the latter will be leaving together with the rest of the United Kingdom. This week Theresa May has been providing assurances that she could convince Brussels to drop that requirement. This likely means that instead of drafting a new proposal, May is trying to convince opponents of the deal from her own party to back it up, provided the backstop can be avoided.

Nevertheless, the European Union has been adamant regarding protecting its borders, so right now it is not clear how exactly May would convince them to offer her a better deal.

Anna Sneider

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