Investors in Search of a Quiet Harbor

The Gold and the yen resumed their growth.

Economic News
26. 9. 2017
Investors in Search of a Quiet Harbor

Yesterday the Foreign Minister of North Korea Ri Jong Ho said that the President Donald Trump's most recent tweet is a declaration of war. He added that now North Korea can shoot down American bombers, wherever they are. That again reflected in the currency markets and made investors look for safer places for investment. The USD/JPY fell sharply against the background of such statements. This also returned interest to gold, which is currently trading at $1305.00.

The euro also continues its downward movement and has weakened against the major currencies. The EUR/USD is currently trading near a strong support level at $1.1830.

Oil increased in price against yesterday's statement by Recep Erdogan about "closing the valves" to the Kurdish oil flow, reaching the level of July 2015. On Monday Iraqi Kurds went to a referendum, which may well show results in favor of independence. So there is a possibility of a deficit of crude oil on the market, which will lead to a further rise in the price per barrel.

Oil Prices Recovering

Economic News

Oil Prices Recovering

Analysts feel that for the first time in two years oil prices are on their way to recovery.

25. 9. 2017
Political Pressure on Exchange Rates

Economic News

Political Pressure on Exchange Rates

Germany held parliamentary elections yesterday, which affected the financial markets.

25. 9. 2017
Fed Meeting Outcome

Economic News

Fed Meeting Outcome

After the completion of the Federal Reserve meeting, many trading instruments marked price changes.

21. 9. 2017