EUR goes upwards | June 5, 2020

The euro is rapidly strengthening against the dollar after the adoption of a new stimulus package by the ECB.

Weekly Review
05 Haz 2020

The euro is rapidly strengthening against the dollar after the adoption of a new stimulus package by the ECB.

Stock markets remain optimistic and end the week with growth. Recovery to the highs of last year is already close.

Oil has been rising for the sixth week in a row. The reduction in oil production and the postponement of the OPEC+ summit did not reduce the price.

The US and China refuse to restore air links in June. Relations between the two countries are not improving.

Robert Thompson
Gold recovered near the end of the week | May 29, 2020

Weekly Review

Gold recovered near the end of the week | May 29, 2020

Gold increases in price by the end of the week with rising tensions between China and the United States.

Robert Thompson
29 May 2020
Weekly Review - Commodities under pressure | May 22, 2020

Weekly Review

Weekly Review - Commodities under pressure | May 22, 2020

The USD strengthens amid tensions.

Robert Thompson
22 May 2020
US Unemployment rate Grows | May 8, 2020

Weekly Review

US Unemployment rate Grows | May 8, 2020

Oil is getting more expensive this week. Investors are anticipating recovery of the demand for it.

Robert Thompson
07 May 2020