China Refused to Negotiate

Economic News
24. 9. 2018

On Saturday China canceled the meeting with US officials and refused to negotiate, which aggravated the relations between the two largest economies of the world.

At 12 today in the US new duties on Chinese goods amounting to $200 billion come into effect. The reciprocal measure on the part of China is the introduction of duties on American goods worth 110 billion dollars.

Donald Trump's demand for OPEC did not have the expected effect and the price of the black gold remained in the same range. At today's auction, the price for the Brent crude oil has exceeded $80 per barrel and currently stands at 4-year highs. The situation in Venezuela spurs oil quotes, although this does not help the current situation in the country. We assume that prices will show restrained growth, as the US continues to increase their production capacity and the market has not yet leveled the current situation.

The market of cryptocurrencies shows negative dynamics and the price for Bitcoin consolidated at 6,600.


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