Trump Threatens to Withdraw from WTO

Economic News
31 अग॰ 2018
Trump Threatens to Withdraw from WTO

In an interview yesterday Donald Trump threatened to withdraw from the WTO, if the organization continues with their current policy towards the United States. He also stated that the WTO treats the US badly and thus puts it at a disadvantage. It is worth noting that the United States participated in the creation of the organization after the end of World War II.

Among other things, the head of the White House has not forgotten to mention the readiness to introduce additional tariffs on Chinese goods worth $200 billion and that he will be engaged in promoting this issue. Reaction from China was voiced by Gao Feng, the representative of the Ministry of Commerce. He urged the Trump administration to abandon this idea, justifying it with the need to take into account the interests of markets, producers and consumers.

If these intentions are approved, companies and members of the public should submit their comments before September 6th.

NAFTA May Be Revised This Week

Economic News

NAFTA May Be Revised This Week

30 अग॰ 2018
Weak USD Amid Market Calm

Economic News

Weak USD Amid Market Calm

Gradually replacing NAFTA is calming the financial markets.

30 अग॰ 2018
Oil Prices Decreasing Again

Economic News

Oil Prices Decreasing Again

Increasing supply is pushing oil prices down.

29 अग॰ 2018