Chinese Economic Woes

The trade war is taking its toll on China.

Economic News
19 جولائی، 2018
Chinese Economic Woes

China seems to be taking measures to safeguard its economy from some of the negative fallout from the trade war with the United States. The Chinese central bank has softened its monetary policy which pushed the Chinese currency to one-year lows to around 6.7800 versus the USD.

Right now China is trying to push its bank to provide lower lending costs to customers and businesses in order to stimulate the economy. This is also expected to soften the blow of the trade dispute with the US and the large amounts of tariffs.

Chinese stocks have also suffered losses. Moreover, the prices for many metals (copper, nickel, gold) are also in decline. The Chinese economy is perceived to be the biggest user of industrial metals and when their economy slows down, this decreases demand quite significantly and drives prices down. Oil has also dropped on lower demand from China, among other factors.

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