Facebook Bears Losses

Economic News
26 thg 7, 2018
Facebook Bears Losses

The shares of the largest social network fell by more than 20% during the opening of the trading session on the European stock exchange, after the release of activity reports. Experts have estimated that the state of Mark Zuckerberg occupying the fifth place in the list of Forbes for several hours decreased by 20 billion dollars.

This is the biggest loss in the history of the company. After comments by the Chief Financial Officer David Wehner shares fell by 23% at the conference with analysts.

The reason for this was the release of reports with the worst indicators, as well as the recent scandals of confidentiality and interference in the American elections.

At the moment, the price of shares is trying to recover losses and returned to growth.

We expect the opening of the US stock exchange, which will set a further trend for quotations. We assume that the shares will rush to the recently reached historic peaks, the only question is how much time they will need for this. This is a good time to make a profit.

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Economic News

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Economic News

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Economic News

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