Banner, Logo, dan Avatar dari SuperForex
To help you attract new clients, our design team has created a number of images you can use to place on your website or customize social media/forum accounts. Download the images you like to use as trading related ads, or follow 3 simple steps to get a banner with embedded code to use on your website.
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Grab ready-made promo materials to attract traders
You can download branded banners, logos, and avatars that highlight SuperForex best offers in any of the sizes offered. Those materials would help to refer clients from your own website or as part of your social profiles, where a bigger number of people could see them.
Find your SuperForex affiliate code
You can find your affiliate code by logging in to your partners account. At this page you can also create a custom affiliate link to make it suit your preferences.
Link a banner with your affiliate code
Click on the arrow icon near the download button. Paste your affiliate code in the empty field and copy the code to use on your website. Anyone who arrives at the SuperForex website by following your link will be credited as your referral if they decide to open an account with us. You as a partner earn commission on each active client that was referred by you, so this is an excellent, risk-free way for you to increase your earnings.

John Doe