Market Overview

Economic News
27 août 2018
Market Overview

The S&P 500 index after Friday's auctions reached new highs and supported the Asian stock indices, while the dollar weakened and the dollar index pressed to 95.00.

Gold prices returned above the level of 1,200 and show growth and energy prices have been rising over the past week.

The Central Bank of China announced that it will support the renminbi exchange rate since there is as yet no progress in the trade negotiations between the US and China.

Today new US sanctions against Russia are also coming into force in the "business of the Violins", which affects the defense and technology sectors. There is also a second package of sanctions which will be introduced in November and will be more stringent. This will lead to the weakening of the Russian currency.

The Trade War Continues

Economic News

The Trade War Continues

China and the US are still in a disagreement over trade.

24 août 2018
More Tariffs in Effect

Economic News

More Tariffs in Effect

Even as talks between the US and China continue, more tariffs come into effect today.

23 août 2018
Markets Overview

Economic News

Markets Overview

23 août 2018