Overview of Events

Economic News
18 thg 9, 2018

Today in Pyongyang the leaders of South Korea and the DPRK Moon Jae-in and Kim Jong-un met. It seems that the parties are ready to continue to establish a dialogue regarding the signing of a peace treaty. Recall that recently Kim Jong-un sent a letter to the White House with a request to organize a new meeting with Donald Trump.

From September 24 the Trump administration will introduce a 10% tariff for $200 billion worth of Chinese goods. The only entity that will not be affected by this fee is Apple, which manufactures their products in China, thus items such as the Apple Watch, Air Pods and other products will not be included in the list of tariffs, as well as the products of competitors Fitbit Inc.

Against the background of impending tariffs, US stocks fell for longer than a month and the shares of technology companies suffered. Chinese stocks also sagged and the Shanghai Composite Index reached its lowest level since 2014.

The cryptocurrency market continued its decline and almost all of the cryptocurrencies are now losing value.


Economic News

China to Push Against US

China is ready to start attacking the US with its own trade policies, says a Chinese publication.

18 thg 9, 2018

Economic News

Important Events

17 thg 9, 2018

Economic News

The Week at a Glance

Many separate events affected the markets this week.

14 thg 9, 2018