Politics Dominate the Markets Today

The US is getting involved in new conflicts, while the UK is struggling to negotiate a deal with the EU.

Economic News
08 thg 10, 2019

Communication coming from Boris Johnson’s cabinet revealed that the UK Prime Minister has no solid plan on how to improve his Brexit proposal. After last week the European Union stated that the proposals do not sufficiently address the issue with the Irish border and need to be revised, Johnson apparently said the union was uncooperative. The Prime Minister has about 9 days until the EU summit where the leaders of the 27 remaining member states will decide what to do with the United Kingdom. Johnson has to present an EU-approved deal to UK Parliament by October 19 or hold a vote to ask MPs permission to leave without a deal on Halloween.

Meanwhile, US President Donald Trump is now engaging in a political battle with Turkey. Trump recently announced that US soldiers would move out from Northern Syria. However, both Democrats and Republicans criticized the move, as it would leave the Kurds, who were allied with the United States in fighting ISIS, vulnerable to attacks from Turkey. Then Trump took to Twitter to threaten Turkey, apparently in an attempt to defend the Kurdish people. However, Turkey views the Kurds as terrorists because they want to establish an autonomous state, and the President of Turkey already has a plan that would displace millions of people along the Syrian border, likely sparking further unrest.

Trump is also picking a bone with China, as his administration added almost 30 Chinese companies to the infamous Entity List, i.e. those companies are now banned from buying US goods and technology. The companies have been implicated in working alongside the Chinese government to monitor, detain, and repress Muslim minorities in China, which are human rights violations.

Anna Sneider
The White House Is Keeping Busy

Economic News

The White House Is Keeping Busy

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Economic News

Another Brexit Deadlock

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Trump's Impeachment Scandal Worsening

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