Markets Review

Markets Review

Economic News
08 февр. 2019 г.

Because of concerns about a trade deal between the US and China, American stocks began to decline. Donald Trump said on Thursday that he did not intend to meet with Xi Jinping before March 1, when the term of the “truce” expires, and that it is possible to enter duties on goods in general 200 billion dollars. This event has caused damage to the markets and Asian indices followed the American ones.

The dollar index shows growth for the sixth day in a row and the reserve currency continues to strengthen.

Yesterday the Bank of England published their interest rate decision, leaving it at the current level of 0.75%.

The euro exchange rate for five days has continued to decline against the reserve currency and the EUR/USD pair dropped to the level of 1.1340.

Energy prices continue to be in a corridor and we see no significant fluctuations in prices. Perhaps the market did not pay attention or it may be reflected a little later, but there are sanctions against the Maduro regime. Recall that Nicholas Maduro refuses to leave the post of head of state and the country is in a prewar state. The United States continues to buy Venezuelan oil for its refineries, but does not make payments on current supplies until this money reaches the Maduro government. In turn, Nicolas Maduro has banned the shipment of oil to American tankers without prepayment, and a large number of ships are accumulating in the Gulf of Mexico.

Therefore, if in a short time this political issue is not settled, we will observe the growth of oil prices.

Marten Claes

Economic News

Markets Review

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Economic News

Markets Review

Markets Review

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