Seminar in Benin City

Training event for local traders by our partner.

2020년 1월 29일

On January 25, we organized an educational event in Benin City, Nigeria.

The goal of this seminar was to familiarize beginner traders with the basics of Forex trading. In addition, we also talked about using the Price Action strategy for optimizing profit. We also took some time to answer the specific questions the seminar’s attendees had.

SuperForex is always happy to further the careers of our traders through better education. We are especially interested in increasing our presence in Africa, so we will continue to work hard in this regard.

Robert Thompson


Trading Seminar in Bandung, Indonesia

Highlights of the training event.

Robert Thompson
2020년 1월 28일


Our latest seminar in Namibia

BossoFX course by Braze De Klerk

Robert Thompson
2020년 1월 23일


New Seminar in Cotonou, Benin

We thank you all for joining us during this event.

Robert Thompson
2019년 12월 24일