Low Risk Appetite on the Markets

With more talk about tariffs and nuclear weapons, the markets are apprehensive.

Economic News
08. Mai 2019

The trading day on Wednesday did not begin well for the American dollar. Despite the fact that the currency is well-supported by good fundamentals in the United States, right now the American stock markets are taking losses due to the uncertainty on the global financial markets. The latter was caused by none other than the American President himself, as Donald Trump announced he might hit China with more severe tariffs starting the day after tomorrow, in an attempt to pressure China into signing a trade agreement with the United States as soon as possible.

Moreover, the anti-risk sentiment is also caused by fears about the development and usage of nuclear weapons. North Korea has reportedly resumed missile testing, since Trump’s two summits with Kim Jong-un did not lead to any conclusive agreements. Iran, who had stopped enriching uranium as part of the Iran nuclear deal, announced that they will once again resume activities in their nuclear plant. Since Trump unilaterally canceled the Iran nuclear deal, the Middle-Eastern country has stated it would only honour its commitments if the other countries involved in the deal agree to continue allowing Iran to sell its oil without sanctions.

In the current environment we advise you to pay attention to the Japanese yen, investors’ safety asset of choice. The JPY has been steadily appreciating against the dollar for a few days and has pushed the USD/JPY to below 110.

Anna Sneider

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Turkey in Political Turmoil

The results from the most recent elections have been cancelled.

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07. Mai 2019
May 7: Digest Review

Economic News

May 7: Digest Review

Today isn't very volatile. Most news came from Australia.

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07. Mai 2019

Economic News

Trade Agreement in Doubt

Trump is once again attacking China with tariff threats.

Anna Sneider
06. Mai 2019