Rates Are Being Raised

The Fed's interest rate decision was published. As expected, the rate was raised to 2% yesterday.

Economic News
14 Jun 2018
Rates Are Being Raised

The Fed's interest rate decision was published - as expected, the rate was raised to 2% yesterday. In addition, representatives of the Federal Reserve revised their forecast to four increases due to rising inflation and a decrease in unemployment.

After meeting with Kim Jong-un, Donald Trump said that he continues to plan to impose duties on Chinese goods in the amount of $50 billion. In response to this statement, China stated that it would take retaliatory measures and would not fulfill any obligations under the agreements reached earlier.

After a flurry of criticism in the direction of Trump, Mike Pompeo said he expects serious steps from North Korea on nuclear disarmament. Also, during his speech in Seoul, he tried to suppress criticism that North Korea did not make any significant commitments at the summit in Singapore.

All Eyes on the Fed

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