Key Brexit Vote Today

UK Parliament is voting on May's deal for the final time today.

Economic News
১২ মার্চ, ২০১৯

After another postponement by UK Prime Minister Theresa May recently, today is finally the day when a vote on her proposed Brexit deal will take place in Parliament.

In the previous vote on May’s negotiated deal, it barely managed to gather enough support to not be ruled out completely, but it did so on the promise of the Prime Minister that she will discuss the Irish backstop with the European Union further and try to remove it from the exit deal.

Just a day before the crucial vote, May and Juncker announced that they have agreed on legally binding clarifications regarding the deal which are supposed to ease the minds of the deal’s opponents, who were unhappy that the Irish backstop might come into effect with the United Kingdom having no say about it. With May’s new assurances, the United Kingdom will be able to appeal any unfavorable developments in the future.

Should today’s vote be one of support, the United Kingdom will exit the European Union on March 29 as planned and enter a transition period until the end of 2020. If the vote fails, tomorrow Parliament will vote again on whether they want to have a hard Brexit.

Anna Sneider

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০৮ মার্চ, ২০১৯