We held a charity event in Nairobi

We continue working on our Social Responsibility program.

Company News
20 mag 2020

As an industry leader, it is crucial that SuperForex champions the values that are important to us all as a society, and that we lead by example. This is why we developed our social responsibility program - an initiative where we assist different charities selected by our partners to help people in need.

This time around we partnered up with Samuel Maina, one of our most notable representatives in Kenya. We helped him provide food, hygiene products, and other necessities and supplies to families in Nairobi who are currently going through hard times.

SuperForex is always open to new opportunities for cooperation. If there is a local charity you are particularly passionate about, please get in touch with us and let us know what we can do to help!

Robert Thompson

Company News

Accounts in new base currencies supported

We added JPY, TRY, SGD, HKD, and PHP accounts

Robert Thompson
05 mag 2020

Company News

We've reached 500.000 clients!

Another Milestone for SuperForex

Robert Thompson
28 apr 2020

Company News

Oil Trading Resumed

You can execute your trades with Oil again

Robert Thompson
27 apr 2020