Important Events

Economic News
2018년 9월 06일
Important Events

During yesterday's trading session cryptomarkets continued a long-term downtrend and literally collapsed, losing in one day what they had been accumulating for a long time; the total capitalization again approached $200 billion. Bitcoin has lost in value approximately 1000 dollars since yesterday, having reached the level of 6,400.

New sanctions for Russia will be introduced in November, as NATO confirmed the UK version of the poisoning of the Skripals. Yesterday the British police published information regarding the two suspected poisoners, who are Russian citizens. Furthermore, British Prime Minister Theresa May specified that these citizens are employees of the GRU. Recall that earlier on August 8, the first package of sanctions on this case was introduced and the Russian currency rate fell to two-year lows, therefore, due to the introduction of new sanctions, we expect a further weakening of the Russian ruble.

Updates on Oil Prices

Economic News

Updates on Oil Prices

A slight decrease was seen in oil prices today.

2018년 9월 06일
Events for Today

Economic News

Events for Today

2018년 9월 05일
Daily Market Overview

Economic News

Daily Market Overview

Amid all of the stress, the USD is the big winner.

2018년 9월 05일