Brexit Talks Complicate

With the news from Ireland, Brexit negotiations seem to be going even worse.

Economic News
28 نومبر، 2017
Brexit Talks Complicate

Earlier today the Bank of England issues a warning regarding the possible fallout of Brexit, stating that British banks might face more struggles after the separation from the European Union. Day by day Brexit negotiations seem to be going worse. The United Kingdom has failed to agree to most of the preliminary requirements of the European Union, which in turn prevents the negotiations from moving forward to the points the UK is actually looking forward to discussing. If the stagnation in the negotiations continues, the United Kingdom risks not having a say in the conditions of its departure and ending up without proper trade agreements with the EU. This process is now additionally exacerbated by the prospect of preliminary elections in Ireland. The country is a member of the European Union and one of the key points in the Brexit talks refers to the shared border with the United Kingdom (in Northern Ireland). Political uncertainty in Ireland ahead of another round of negotiations next month could only complicate matters further.

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