Markets review

Markets review

Economic News
۰۶ اسفند ۱۳۹۷

During Friday's trading session the Dow Jones index exceeded 26,000, reaching its highest level since November last year. The dollar index shows a negative trend due to the fact that despite the statements of Donald Trump, investors are returning to defensive assets and the growing popularity of safehaven currencies is growing, although the head of the White House said that the negotiations are moving successfully and both sides come to an agreement. The Chinese side also expressed satisfaction with the negotiations.

Investor interest returned to commodities and platinum prices also updated yearly highs.

Theresa May may be trying to extend the deal about leaving the UK from the EU, despite the fact that time is running out. Currently the British pound continues to trade sideways and we do not observe significant fluctuations in the pound/dollar pair.

In the energy market we are witnessing a continuation of the uptrend and oil prices are showing moderate growth, updating yearly highs.

Marten Claes

Economic News

Stock Markets Rally on Good Trade Outlook

The financial markets have reacted favorably to news that the trade war might end soon.

Anna Sneider
۰۶ اسفند ۱۳۹۷

Economic News

Trade Wars Update

The conflict with China might be resolved, but now Trump has his sights on Europe.

Anna Sneider
۰۳ اسفند ۱۳۹۷

Economic News

Markets review

Markets review

Marten Claes
۰۳ اسفند ۱۳۹۷