About Membership Club
With SuperForex you are more than just a customer. We at the SuperForex do our best to make your trading more comfortable and profitable! That's why we offer our special Membership Club, which provides additional benefits for your earnings.
The SuperForex Membership Club is open to everyone - there are no entry restrictions. Every customer who opens a real account with us can join the SuperForex Membership Club and take advantage of our member-exclusive special offers.
Benefits of Participation
Trade with lowered spreads.
You will have 15 days for trading with lowered spreads - 1,5 pips for the EUR/USD pair. If you trade with $1000 or more, you will get 30 days discount period.
A 100% Welcome+ bonus is applied to your deposits.
We have developed a special bonus for club members. Instead of 40% Welcome bonus, now you can double your funds with 100% Welcome+ bonus for all Club Members.
Unique Forex signals and analytics in a private group.
We invite you to join a private group on Facebook where you can get the most accurate analytics and signals.
Full support 24/7.
You can always count on qualified support if you are a member of the club. Our support will provide you with comfort and peace of mind in any incomprehensible situation.
No Broker Commission
SuperForex doesn't charge broker commission on deposits and withdrawals.
Extended Deposit Protection
If you happen to lose your trading funds, you can claim them back as a bonus using the Deposit Protection program.
How to Join?
Etapa 1
Make sure you have a trading account
You need to open a real trading account if you don't have any. Indicate all data in the registration form at the bottom of the page and click the "Open Account" button.
Etapa 2
Make a Deposit
Make at least $100 deposit. If there is such a deposit on the account, then the button “Join” is available in the Client's cabinet.
Etapa 3
Apply for the Membership Club in the cabinet.
Please choose the Membership Club tab on the left-hand menu in the Client’s Cabinet. At the bottom of the page click the “Join” button.