In the past, the program was fixed to five levels of partners, with limitations on how many levels one can recruit. For example, if you were a level 1 partner, you could benefit from levels 2, 3, 4, and 5, but if you were a level 3, then you only benefited from levels 4 and 5, with level 5 being incapable of attracting partners of their own. This is no longer the case. The new and improved MLP allows each partner, regardless of what level they are at, to develop their own network of up to 5 levels. This means that even a partner on level 5 could develop a network of four more levels of sub-partners. We believe that this measure would allow for a much greater expansion of each trader’s affiliate partnership group and would make everyone more profitable. Each partner will earn commission from all four levels beneath them.
We hope to welcome you in our Multi-level Partnership Program soon!