Trump Happy after NATO Summit

Trump claims the agreement is due to him.

Economic News
12 июл. 2018 г.
Trump Happy after NATO Summit

One of US President Trump’s main qualms with NATO has been that the United States spends much more of its budget on defense and the military than other NATO member states do. This is why the American president seemed quite happy with the outcome from a NATO summit held this week in Brussels where other countries agreed to increase their defense spending.

Before the NATO summit some analysts expressed a concern that Trump might threaten to withdraw from the union. So far he has been withdrawing from all kinds of agreements when other parties have refused to meet all of his demands. He even stated that he can decide to withdraw the United States from NATO on his own, without government approval.

The remaining NATO member states have agreed to gradually work their way up to 2% of their GDP being spent on defense over the next six years.

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