Tour Trump Continued

Tax reform will be adopted later.

Economic News
10 نومبر، 2017
Tour Trump Continued

During a meeting between Donald Trump and the president of China, Xi Jinping, the American president was able to sign contracts worth more than 250 billion dollars. In addition, the Chinese company has signed an agreement with Boeing to purchase 300 aircrafts worth 37 billion USD. However, Trump failed to reach an agreement with China on joint locking and sanctions against North Korea. US banks have the right to unilaterally block and to impose sanctions on Chinese financial institutions trading with Kim Jong-un's regime.

Furthermore, yesterday the new tax reform proposal was released, with the only change that the Senate should approve the new tax not in 2018, but a year later, in 2019. That does not really agree with the American president, who seeks to cause a sharp change in the economy. These news weakened the position of the reserve currency, and at the moment the main pair has retreated from the recent highs. Stock indices also stopped growing and Dow Jones lost more than 100 points.

Today Donald Trump comes to Vietnam for a summit on economic cooperation, where he will deliver a speech on the American vision of the region. It is possible to strengthen US trade relations with the region.

Stocks Soar to New Highs

Economic News

Stocks Soar to New Highs

As equities go up, analysts argue that we can expect a boost in commodities as well.

09 نومبر، 2017
US Stock Indices at Updated Highs

Economic News

US Stock Indices at Updated Highs

09 نومبر، 2017
Dollar & American Bank Stocks Decline

Economic News

Dollar & American Bank Stocks Decline

Despite good economic data, investors are getting suspicious of the US economy.

08 نومبر، 2017