The third quarter of 2021 was a difficult period for investors. At the same time, it was time to get an easily predictable and long-awaited profit. We are very pleased that the best deals of the third quarter were made not only on the stock exchange, but also by our traders, who became richer in the second half of 2021.

Until 2020, hardly anyone around knew about this American company. Nevertheless, it was quite a big IT company and its shares could be found on the stock exchange even in the pre-Covide period. Its rise in popularity during the pandemic led to an increase in its share value. However, in 2021, the demand for Zoom’s services began decreasing, as more and more offices returned to normal, and on the background of high competition for this kind of software. In the second half of 2021, the company found itself in the spotlight due to the prospect of merging with another IT company, Five9, with the expansion of the Zoom business area. Nevertheless, the deal failed, causing a further drop in the value of Zoom shares. Traders who noticed trends in the decline in demand for remote video conferences early on could receive $12,582 on every traded lot with Zoom shares or $125.82 on each Zoom stock sold, since in just 3 months, the shares of this company fell by 48.2%. So the actual profitability for traders amounted to 325.6%.

Selling the shares of any airline was the right decision in Q3. Despite the recovery of passenger traffic in the summer and most flights almost getting to their 2019 level, this trend began to decline in the second half of the year, and fears about a new wave of the pandemic, with new restrictions, made air transportation unprofitable and unattractive for investment again. However, our traders have the opportunity to make money on the decrease of stock value, which many took advantage of. By opening the deals to sell EasyJet shares on July 1 and closing them on the last day of September, they made a profit of $25,984 or $259.84 of profit per share. This became possible because the share price fell by almost 40% in the last three months, and the actual profitability was 283.9%.

Deals with Bitcoin, the most well-known cryptocurrency in the world, turned out to be some of the most profitable ones in the third quarter. Despite the fact that it was a very difficult and highly volatile period for all cryptocurrencies, they were able to recover after China recognized all transactions with cryptocurrencies as illegal. At the same time, at the beginning of the third quarter, traders received the lowest and the best price to buy this asset. Buying Bitcoin on the first trading day of July and closing this order on the last day of September, traders earned $8,062 on each Bitcoin purchased, but closing the deal a little earlier - in early September, they recorded a profit of $17,677. The actual profitability at the same time amounted to 345.7%, given that investing in cryptocurrencies with Superforex, traders could buy one whole Bitcoin with a leverage of 1:6, unlike the stock exchange, where you need to pay 100% of the value of the cryptocurrency.