Markets Turn Around

Economic News
31 Mei 2018
Markets Turn Around

After yesterday's trading session, we saw multiple market reversals. Thus, for a short while we believe that the dollar rally will be interrupted. The dollar index fell below 94.00 and today we expect a drawdown of the reserve currency against a basket of major currencies.

The yield on long-term bonds exceeded the level of 2.85% again, while the S&P 500 recovered some of its Tuesday positions.

Oil prices yesterday again moved towards growth, so the Texas Western oil prices exceeded $68 per barrel.

In the White House opinions were divided, so that trade advisor Peter Navarro criticized the words of the Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, who claimed that the trade war between China and the United States was over. He mentioned that the picture is not ideal, as there are fears of a trade war, especially after the statements by Donald Trump and misunderstandings after seemingly productive talks.

Italy in Crisis

Economic News

Italy in Crisis

The country is preparing for new snap elections this summer.

30 Mei 2018
Market Overview

Economic News

Market Overview

30 Mei 2018
Tensions between US and China Continue

Economic News

Tensions between US and China Continue

Negotations have failed to settle the trade dispute between these two countries.

29 Mei 2018