Dear customers,
We recently implemented a functionality that allows you to subscribe to important notifications from our website. We would like to thank the thousands who have subscribed since then and to invite those of you who didn’t know about this service.
Every experienced trader knows that time is of the utmost importance to great profits. By choosing to subscribe to notifications from our main website, you ensure that you would have instantaneous access to important trading information. Our goal has always been to grant you access to as much crucial information as possible so that you may reap better trading profits. When the markets are shaken, when there are amazing trading opportunities, or when we run limited-time offers, we always notify our customers in this way, so they can react as quickly as possible. These notifications are received through your browser both on your computer and mobile devices.
To subscribe to our notifications, simply click on the green icon at the bottom left corner of our website.
We hope to see even more of you connect with us!