Negotiations Resume

Economic News
11 सित॰ 2018
Negotiations Resume

Michel Barnier, the EU Chief Negotiator for Brexit, said that the deal to get out the United Kingdom out from the EU can possibly be reached within eight weeks. This news supported the rate of the British pound. Barnier expressed confident optimism specifying that there are still several issues to be resolved, one of them being the border with Ireland.

Moreover, recently news came out that Kim Jong-un asked for a new meeting with US President Donald Trump. Earlier in June in Singapore a meeting between the two leaders took place. At the moment American diplomats are working to organize a second summit. White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders called the document sent from the DPRK "a very warm, very positive letter." Despite the earlier agreements on denuclearization, little is known about the current progress.

The market of cryptocurrencies continues to sag and its total capitalization has dropped to the level of 197 billion dollars.

Oil prices again approached the maximum levels since 2014 and now oil shows moderate growth.

Trade War Rift Deepens

Economic News

Trade War Rift Deepens

US tariffs from 2013 found illegal by WTO.

11 सित॰ 2018
The Threat of a Trade War Is Growing

Economic News

The Threat of a Trade War Is Growing

10 सित॰ 2018
Week Starts off Positive for Oil

Economic News

Week Starts off Positive for Oil

Lower supply is supporting oil prices.

10 सित॰ 2018