Trump or not Trump?

Economic News
18 जुल॰ 2018
Trump or not Trump?

Already during the entire presidency of Donald Trump, the head of the White House has shaken the financial markets with his harsh statements.

Yesterday during a press conference Donald Trump denied his statement the day before about the fact that the Russian side did not interfere in the American elections. He also assured that he trusts American secret services conducting investigations, although at the summit he said the opposite.

After the meeting in Helsinki, smiles and handshakes, the US announced their intention to impose additional sanctions against Russia, so there is no hope for improving the economic climate.

After the summit and yesterday's statements, oil prices fell by more than 4%, while the Russian ruble dipped relative to the dollar by approximately 1%.

Yesterday Jerome Powell made a statement that he believes in the strength of the American economy and despite the trade wars, the economy's strong performance will continue.

In China, on the contrary, they noted a drop in production growth and a slowdown in the economy above the forecasted figures, so we can expect a softening of the state's monetary and credit policy.

Oil Decreasing in Value

Economic News

Oil Decreasing in Value

Steady supply and trade war risks are bringing the prices down.

17 जुल॰ 2018
Trump Meets Putin

Economic News

Trump Meets Putin

As the two leaders convene, all eyes would be on Trump.

16 जुल॰ 2018
Survey of Events

Economic News

Survey of Events

16 जुल॰ 2018