New Highs

Economic News
21 ستمبر، 2018

American stock indices updated to historical highs, demonstrating the strength of the economy. The S&P 500 index continued its rally and the Dow Jones managed to take a new peak reaching the 26.697 mark having updated the historic high and exceeded the January figures.

On Monday we expect the introduction of US duties on Chinese goods worth 200 billion dollars. We also look forward to China's response to goods worth $60 billion.

In Japan the current Prime Minister Shinzo Abe won the elections for the third time and will remain in the current position for another three years. This victory makes him the first prime minister elected for three consecutive terms. Markets reacted positively to this news and Topix was quickened to support the five-day rally of the markets.

Oil has been trading at its peak since 2014 and can soon update its highs. Yesterday in a tweet Donald Trump condemned OPEC's policy and called them monopolists in the oil market. In the end he demanded of them to immediately reduce the price of oil.


Economic News

Market Overview, September 20

The most important events today include a weakening of the dollar and a summit of EU leaders.

20 ستمبر، 2018

Economic News

Things to Know Today

20 ستمبر، 2018

Economic News

Market Overview

More trade war worries and oil reports are affecting the markets today.

19 ستمبر، 2018