Weekly Review

Crude is trading at 2-year highs.

Economic News
06 نومبر، 2017
Weekly Review

This weekend by order of King Salman of Saudi Arabia, security forces arrested at least 17 high-ranking officials, including current and former ministers. Salman has decided to declare a war on corruption and to show that the country is becoming more open to investment.

Also on Sunday, the White House stated that President Donald Trump and Salman had a telephone conversation, during which they discussed measures to combat terrorism.

Given some of the risks in the region, the price of Brent crude reached a 2-year high.

This week investors' attention will be drawn to the implementation of the tax reform presented by Donald Trump. The markets continue to react positively to the possibility of new tax rules and support the reserve currency.

The Bank of England raised rates for the first time in 10 years.

Economic News

The Bank of England raised rates for the first time in 10 years.

Trump introduced the candidate to head the Federal Reserve.

03 نومبر، 2017
Bitcoin at Record Highs

Economic News

Bitcoin at Record Highs

The famous cryptocurrency surpassed the level of $7,000 earlier today.

02 نومبر، 2017
Important Events for Today

Economic News

Important Events for Today

Today we have the appointment of the new Fed chief and a decision on the change in interest rates in the US.

02 نومبر، 2017