Euro on the Rise

Eurozone GDP grew by 0.6%.

Economic News
15 thg 11, 2017
Euro on the Rise

The Asian tour of Donald Trump has come to an end. Leaving Asia, the American president said that the rules of trade have changed.

Yesterday Charles Evans, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, held a speech at which he indicated an uncertain position regarding the support of interest rate hikes in December, amid fears of a drop in inflation. At the same time, many of his colleagues support the rapid increase in rates and the markets accordingly take this into account.

At the same time, the political tension eased in the eurozone as Germany's GDP data provided effective support to the single currency. It began to grow relative to all major currencies, currently reaching 3-week highs against the dollar. The Euro index reached 2-month highs and is currently trading at 95.21.

Today a number of macroeconomic indicators are coming out in the United States, including the consumer price index and retail sales, which can support the reserve currency.

Markets Fluctuate

Economic News

Markets Fluctuate

Today there are speeches by a number of heads of central banks.

14 thg 11, 2017
Oil Prices Decrease

Economic News

Oil Prices Decrease

Once more the oil is going down, this time thanks to the United States.

14 thg 11, 2017
Bitcoin Decreases in Value

Economic News

Bitcoin Decreases in Value

However, its offshoot, Bitcoin Cash, is going up.

13 thg 11, 2017