Helping orphanages in Sumatera Utara, Indonesia

SuperForex decided to support 2 orphanages in Indonesia during Ramadan 2021.

Apr 16, 2021

This time around we teamed up with several of our partners in Indonesia: Tumpal Boris Manurung, Faisal Dwi Arisandy, Prisman Tondina Simanjuntak, and Maranatha Marpaung. Together, we visited two separate orphanages, where our local partners delivered food, medicine, and other necessities, and spent some time with the orphans.

If you would like to join them in helping these kids, you can find the orphanages at:

Panti asuhan yayasan islamic centre Jl. Sangnawaluh km. 3,5, Simalungun, Sumatera Utara.

Panti asuhan Grace House, Jl. Mufakat kiri, Parluasan, Pematang Siantar, Sumatera Utara.

Of course, SuperForex participates in such events year-round, not just for the holidays. So, if there is any charity you would like us to support, please contact us, so that we could arrange a donation

Robert Thompson


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Robert Thompson
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Robert Thompson
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Robert Thompson
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