Comment on the Fed

Economic News
Jul 20, 2018
Comment on the Fed

Yesterday the US president gave an interview to CNBS, in which he condemned the policy of the Federal Reserve of raising the interest rates. Prior to that, for more than two decades, the White House had avoided commenting on the decisions of the Federal Reserve. Despite criticism, he later spoke about "allowing them to do what they think best."

Sarah Sanders, the White House spokeswoman, almost immediately after receiving Congressional criticism of Trump, published a statement that it negotiations were already underway for a new meeting with Putin this fall, which caused a new outrage in the media.

Donald Trump also spoke about the fact that America is at a disadvantage after the Chinese yuan again continued to sag and made the largest losses since 2015, updating to all-new lows.

Against the backdrop of the strengthening of the dollar, all industrial metals are falling and gold is at its lowest since July 2017.

The market of cryptocurrencies during the week demonstrated growth. Bitcoin has risen in price by more than 1000 dollars.

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Economic News

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