Noticias analíticas y económicas

NZD/USD: Review & Forecast

Technical Analysis

NZD/USD: Review & Forecast

The NZD has lost positions to the level of June 2016 due to weak economic reports and the current political situation.

22 nov 2017
EUR/USD Technical Analysis & Daily Chart

Technical Analysis

EUR/USD Technical Analysis & Daily Chart

With negatives surrounding both the dollar and the euro, the pair is in a tight spot right now.

21 nov 2017
GBP/USD Technical Analysis & Daily Chart

Technical Analysis

GBP/USD Technical Analysis & Daily Chart

21 nov 2017
USD/JPY Technical Analysis

Technical Analysis

USD/JPY Technical Analysis

20 nov 2017
An Update on Tax Reform

Technical Analysis

An Update on Tax Reform

The Republicans voted successfully, but the tax reform is still far from certain.

17 nov 2017
USD/SEK: Fundamental Review

Technical Analysis

USD/SEK: Fundamental Review

The uncertain future for the the tax reform in the USA negatively impacted the USD. There is no incentive for further growth.

17 nov 2017
EUR/USD Technical Overview & Daily Chart

Technical Analysis

EUR/USD Technical Overview & Daily Chart

What's in store for the EUR/USD today?

16 nov 2017
AUD/USD Technical Analysis

Technical Analysis

AUD/USD Technical Analysis

16 nov 2017
Oil(CL/WTI): Review & Short-Term Forecast

Technical Analysis

Oil(CL/WTI): Review & Short-Term Forecast

Oil came under pressure due to new forecasts about global demand for crude oil which show balance on the market won't be achieved in the near future amid increasing extraction of shale oil in

15 nov 2017