विश्लैषिकी एवं आर्थिक समाचार

Economic News

Market Overview, September 3

Growth is slowing down in Europe again; the US is getting ready for jobless reports again.

Anna Sneider
03 सित॰ 2020

Technical Analysis

EUR/GBP Technical Analysis

The indicators of technical analysis agree on a strong sell recommendation today.

Anna Sneider
03 सित॰ 2020

Economic News

Market Overview, September 2

Today the markets are excited by more fundamental reports and news on the coronavirus pandemic.

Anna Sneider
02 सित॰ 2020

Fundamental Analysis

NZD/USD: Fundamental Review & Forecast

We are waiting for new maximums. The deals to BUY seem more promising in the long term.

Stanislav Litinskyi
02 सित॰ 2020
Technical Analysis - GBP/USD | 1.09.2020

Video Analysis

Technical Analysis - GBP/USD | 1.09.2020

GBP/USD review and forecast for 1.09.2020

Robert Thompson
01 सित॰ 2020
Technical Analysis - AUD/NZD | 1.09.2020

Video Analysis

Technical Analysis - AUD/NZD | 1.09.2020

AUD/NZD review and forecast

Robert Thompson
01 सित॰ 2020

Economic News

Market Overview, September 1

PMIs and other economic reports will dominate the day.

Anna Sneider
01 सित॰ 2020

Technical Analysis

USD/JPY Technical Analysis

We should sell the pair today.

Anna Sneider
01 सित॰ 2020

Economic News

Market Overview, August 31

The markets today are preoccipied with resignations and politics.

Anna Sneider
31 अग॰ 2020