Saturated Weekend

Economic News
21 مايو 2018
Saturated Weekend

This weekend Elon Musk announced on his Twitter a more powerful packaging for the Tesla Model 3 car, which would cost $78,000, while for a car with a basic configuration the cost would be $35,000 which is less than half the price of the top model. As a result, Tesla shares continue to grow and at the moment on the American Stock Exchange their price is $4,234.

At the beginning of today's trading session, oil quotes retreated from highs; Bitcoin scored over the weekend in price which has risen to US $8,400.

Today Germany and Switzerland celebrate the Pentecost and exchanges do not work; the same is true for Canada as well where today they mark Victoria day. Because of this, the pairs associated with the currencies of these countries will experience less volatility today.

The US – North Korea Preparations

Economic News

The US – North Korea Preparations

Is the US-DPRK summit happening?

18 مايو 2018
Exchange Quotations Continue

Economic News

Exchange Quotations Continue

18 مايو 2018
Oil Prices Surging

Economic News

Oil Prices Surging

The price for oil has surpassed the level of $80.

17 مايو 2018