الأخبار والتحليلات الاقتصادية

The Markets Recover after a Sharp Decline

Economic News

The Markets Recover after a Sharp Decline

٠٧ فبراير ٢٠١٨
A Record Decline in Stock Indices

Economic News

A Record Decline in Stock Indices

٠٦ فبراير ٢٠١٨
EUR/USD Technical Analysis

Technical Analysis

EUR/USD Technical Analysis

We are waiting for the confirmation signal.

٠٦ فبراير ٢٠١٨
The USD Steady

Economic News

The USD Steady

After many weeks of price drops, the American currency is finally showing signs of stabilization.

٠٥ فبراير ٢٠١٨
News Overview

Economic News

News Overview

٠٥ فبراير ٢٠١٨
GBP/USD Technical Analysis

Technical Analysis

GBP/USD Technical Analysis

We expect a correction on the financial markets.

٠٥ فبراير ٢٠١٨
Hard Times Hit the Dollar

Technical Analysis

Hard Times Hit the Dollar

Where would the dollar go in 2018?

٠٢ فبراير ٢٠١٨
US Unemployment at a Record Low

Economic News

US Unemployment at a Record Low

٠٢ فبراير ٢٠١٨
EUR/SGD: Short Review and Forecast

Technical Analysis

EUR/SGD: Short Review and Forecast

The rates reached the price level from August 2014. There's a high probability for a price correction, so the short deals seem more effective.

٠٢ فبراير ٢٠١٨