SuperForex Social Responsibility
We know that if you look for information about SuperForex around the web or in the other sections of our website, you are likely to find a lot on our trading conditions and special promotions, but that is not everything. We at SuperForex wanted to show you a different side of our activities which does not often appear in our campaigns, specifically our social responsibility program and how important that is to us.
SuperForex is a global leader in the financial brokerage sector due to our constantly improving, innovative services, but we like to put our success to good use. We are not blind to the many problems people face around the world. This is why we try to work together with our partners and dedicate time, effort, and funds to non-profit activities where we help the poor and the needy in various locations around the world.
Charity in Johan Setia
Helping a poor family.
Charity in Kuala Lumpur
Helping people in slums.
Charity in Bangkok
Helping people in slums
Charity in Jakarta
Panti Tuna Grahita Belaian Kasih.
Charity in Kuala Lumpur
Helping people in slums
Charity in Cairo
Helping people in slums